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What You Get: What We Do: 12-18 Month Agile Roadmap Based on your performance areas' maturity scores, together Tegrita alongside your marke ng team construct an agile plan on how to increase maturity in the key performance areas. The 12–18-month roadmap demonstrates the route to op mized and high-performing marke ng opera ons whilst remaining flexible to changing priori es. Execu ve Presenta on We spend the morning of the on-site Day 1 with your execu ve stakeholders delivering the summary of our assessments. The execu ve presenta on focuses on what we have uncovered and where the biggest strategic gains can be made in the least amount of me. Our team will field ques ons and provide the exact next steps needed to generate greater maturity in your performance areas. Marke ng Prac oner Presenta on During the a ernoon of our on-site visit, we take your marke ng teams through a presenta on of the and reports on a tac cal level. We deliver specific ac on items that help your revenue teams take ac on to earn immediate wins in important areas. RevTech Stack Health Data Cleanliness and Accuracy Data Connec vity & Flow Data Driven Decision Making Tare ng & Segmenta on Customer Experience & Personaliza on Cross-Channel Orchestra on Acuisi on Strategy Execu on Lead Management Tracking & Process Documented & Scaleable Workflows Agile Planning & Execu on Unified Metrics that Ma er Revenue Team Alignment Talent & Agency Management Measurement & Marke ng ROI P15 Maturity Score Tegrita assesses your marke ng opera ons model and provides a maturity score (on a scale of 0=very immature to 10=very mature) based on 15 key performance areas. Crea ng a quan fiable assessment pinpoints where you are losing value, sinking costs, underperforming and where you are crushing it. The P15 iden fies where you need to focus in order to dras cally trim marke ng costs and increase revenue. Project Initiation We start by mee ng your team on-site or remotely to understand your objec ves and how you are using technology today. We document your known performance goals and obstacles and align all stakeholders on melines and expecta ons before launching into a deeper assessment. Stakeholder Interviews Following project ini a on, we proceed to interviewing the stakeholders from your marke ng team and connected departments. We interview 5-6 of the revenue-responsible team members for approximately 1-hour each to understand processes and challenges. P15 Data and Technology Assessment We dig into your Marke ng Automa on Pla orm (MAP) and other technologies to understand the configura on and data to iden fy inefficiencies and challenges. Our robust assessments study your overall marke ng performance to find what inhibits and drives your success. Assessment Results Presentation Following our assessments, we spend a day on-site (or remotely) with your execu ve and marke ng prac oner stakeholders delivering the summary of our findings. Each team will see exactly where the biggest value gains can be made with specific ac onable insights. Roadmapping Workshop We work with your team to create a 12–18-month ac onable roadmap based on the findings of our assessments. The roadmap is an agile, living, collabora ve workspace between you and Tegrita with the flexibility to re-priori ze as your business changes. This shared workspace gives specific recommenda ons on how to enhance your performance factors in a way that delivers consistent value.