Service Sheets

P15 Marketing Maturity Assessment & Roadmap

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Areas of the Technology Workstream Assessment Tegrita conducts a deep technology workstream assessment that delves into how you use your marke ng automa on pla orm and leverage the insights provided to generate leads. Our assessments break down, evaluate and op mize the following factors: Marke ng Automa on Pla orm Stage 1 of the workstream assessments examines your use of your marke ng automa on pla orm. We explore how you sustain privacy whilst s ll unearthing and managing cri cal lead-genera ng informa on. • Sending Domain Configura on • Email Deliverability • Users & Security • Website & Email Tracking • Privacy & Consent • Integra ons • Asset Configura on Data Analysis Stage 2 looks at your data cleanliness and accuracy to find out if the tools you use work in sync to the benefit of the customers. We screen your data processes to find areas of fric on that are clogging your pipeline. • Data Health • Audience Engagement • Data Flow & Connectedness • Lead Management Tracking & Process Addi onal Technologies In stage 3, we review the use and efficiency of jobs-to-be- done (JTBD) and other technologies for func onality and highlight redundancies. • Effec veness of JTBD • Feature Func onality Usage Marke ng Performance Finally, we break your marke ng performance down and evaluate each level from audience acquisi on, to nurturing and engagement campaigns to conversion. We assess every communica on bo leneck and sales enablement feature to create a seamless CX. Our depth of evalua on allows us to generate informed strategies that systemize revenue growth whilst elimina ng redundant expense. • Audience Acquisi on • Nurture & Engagement • Conversion • Customer Communica ons • Sales Enablement If your organiza on has marke ng blind spots or you haven't reviewed your automa on processes recently, chances are you losing out on significant revenue. Tegrita is here to help you op mize your marke ng performance and reach your organiza on's goals. Get Started Now.

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