growth strategies were unethical and exploita ve by today's standards, including employee and
environmental abuses, stock market manipula on, and deliberately restric ng output to increase
prices. Privileged access to government financing and influence through lobbyists was born, and it
remained unfe ered un l an -trust laws, supported by public mistrust, were passed.
In the 1920s, Americans' opinions of the country's big businesses deteriorated further a er the
stock market crash of 1929 and the beginning of the Great Depression. Markets and public opinion
rebounded with post-World War II op mism and an economic turnaround that lasted un l the late
1980s when a reemerging Japan, then Germany, challenged US economic dominance.
From then and through today's historic global crisis, bubbles and bursts have created growth winners
and losers. Amid changes in public sen ment, laws, and compe ve landscape, corpora ons and
brands that thrive, adapt, then grow.