Are Your Top-of-Funnel Efforts Being Diluted?

The Cost of Diluted ToFu Efforts 

Think about your marketing spend. You’re likely investing heavily at the Top of the Funnel (ToFu) — ads, search, social, content — to generate demand. But here’s the big question: Are you getting the most out of those dollars?

Consider this example: If you’re spending $1 million at the top of the funnel using average conversion rates with only basic Middle-of-the-Funnel (MoFu) efforts, you might win 52 opportunities. But if you invest that same $1 million at the top, plus an additional $350,000 to optimize the middle of the funnel, you could win 61% more opportunities — increasing your ROI by 177%.

This isn’t just theory; it’s a wake-up call. Without a strong MoFu strategy, you’re leaving money on the table and letting your ToFu efforts go to waste. Let’s dig into why that happens and how you can fix it.

The Problem: Relying on “Sales Heroes” to Save the Day

Too many companies are running on what I like to call the "Sales Hero" model. Imagine this: Marketing pushes leads straight to sales, and the sales team is expected to work their magic — relying on sheer determination, charisma, and hustle to close deals. For a while, it works. Deals get closed, revenue comes in, and everyone feels like a hero.

But here's the issue — this approach is neither scalable nor predictable. It leads to burnout, inefficiencies, and misalignment between sales and marketing. When sales miss their numbers, they blame marketing for poor lead quality. Marketing, in turn, defends itself by pointing to the volume of leads generated. The truth is, both teams are missing the point: without a strong MoFu strategy, there’s no cohesive journey guiding leads from interest to purchase.

Why the Middle of the Funnel (MoFu) Matters More Than You Think

The middle of the funnel is where real growth happens. It’s the bridge that connects your marketing efforts at the top with your sales efforts at the bottom.

Think of MoFu as the glue that aligns sales and marketing around a common goal: Moving prospects seamlessly from awareness to decision-making. When the MoFu is strong, every lead counts. Your pipeline velocity accelerates, deal sizes increase, and your ToFu investments start working harder for you.

One of our clients, for example, saw a significant boost in their conversion rates and revenue growth simply by optimizing their MoFu strategy. They didn’t increase their ToFu spend — they just got smarter about how they nurtured leads in the middle of the funnel, and it made all the difference.

Common Challenges in Implementing a Strong MoFu Strategy (and How to Overcome Them)

Implementing a robust MoFu strategy isn’t just about having a great plan — it’s about navigating the focus and change management challenges that come with transforming the way your teams work. Here are some common challenges companies face and how to overcome them:

  1. Getting Started: Many marketing teams feel overwhelmed at the thought of getting all the key stakeholders together to align on a strategy, goals, and a way forward. This is all about prioritization. When stakeholders see the potential revenue impact of just a few percentage points increase in conversion, it becomes easier to prioritize the effort needed.
  2. Changing Processes: Redefining processes and changing the way people work can be daunting. It’s not just about strategy and technology; the real “secret sauce” is the operational rigor with which you execute in the middle of the funnel. Establishing clear roles, responsibilities, and consistent processes takes time and focus, but it’s crucial to getting your MoFu strategy right. Start small with manageable changes and build on those to create a foundation for long-term success.
  3. Prioritizing After the Strategy: Once the strategy is in place, there’s often a surge of excitement. Teams want to implement everything at once, but resources are always limited. Focus on prioritizing the highest-impact areas first. Identify the quick wins that will deliver early results, then scale up gradually.
  4. Getting the Tech and Data in Order: Often, companies discover that their current tech stack and data flow aren’t aligned to support a strong MoFu strategy. This can feel like a major obstacle, but it’s a critical one to tackle. Start by auditing your existing technology and data processes and identifying the gaps. Then, develop a phased plan to integrate systems and clean up data, ensuring your foundation is solid for long-term growth.

By anticipating these challenges and planning for them, you can set your team up for success and make your MoFu strategy a reality.

The Risks of Overlooking MoFu — And How to Stay Ahead

Overlooking MoFu is a costly mistake. Many companies fail to see its importance, focusing instead on generating leads or closing deals. But if you’re neglecting the middle, you’re risking lost revenue and wasted investments.

To understand why so many companies overlook this critical stage, and the risks of underinvesting in the MoFu, check out our video where we break it all down — and explore how the role of MoFu is evolving in today’s marketing landscape.

Watch the Video: "Why Do Companies Overlook the Middle of the Funnel?"

Don’t Let Your ToFu Investments Go to Waste 

It’s time to rethink how you’re approaching your funnel. Don’t let your top-of-funnel efforts get diluted. Start building a middle-of-the-funnel engine that empowers your teams, aligns your strategy, and drives consistent growth. If you’re ready to see what a strong MoFu strategy can do for your business, let’s connect.


About the Author

Brandi Starr

Brandi Starr is a marketing powerhouse with over 20 years of experience shaking up B2B and B2B2C companies. As COO at Tegrita, a consultancy that unlocks the power of email, she's all about transforming processes, enhancing go-to-market strategies, and ensuring smooth customer experiences. Named one of the Top 50 Women in MarTech, Brandi blends strategic vision with operational savvy. She's also the co-author of "CMO to CRO" and the host of the Revenue Rehab podcast, known for turning ideas into action and inspiring others in the marketing world.

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