Revenue Rehab EP 85 [Avoid the Hype: Making Smart Choices in Marketing Tech]

November 28, 2023 Brandi Starr

This week our host Brandi Starr is joined by Brian Cooper, Marketing professional and Author.

Brian was most recently the Vice President of the Digital, Data, and Demand team at Juniper Networks. He has also served on the board of directors for the Advertising Research Foundation and the Marketing Science Institute.

He is a frequent publisher, including an article titled “Don’t Buy the Wrong Marketing Tech” in the Harvard Business Review and a book titled “Custom Surveys Within your Budget.”

Prior to Juniper, Brian served on the senior leadership team at RealityMine where he built a US, West Coast presence for the company. Before joining RealityMine, he was the SVP for the customer, employee, and reputation practice for the western region where he was responsible for designing and overseeing research programs, maintaining client relationships, and managing a team of account executives, research managers, and project managers.

Brian holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Southern Oregon University and an MBA from the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania.

On the couch in this week’s episode of Revenue Rehab, Brandi and Brian will tackle Avoid the Hype: Making Smart Choices in Marketing Tech.

Bullet Points of Key Topics + Chapter Markers:

  • Topic #1 Sourcing an Effective Marketing Tech Stack [07:00] First, Brian advises, it is helpful to identify how a poor MarTech stack comes into place to begin with.  Things like ‘shiny new object syndrome’, data hoarding, and organizational construct can be major contributors, he says. He recommends considering questions like “What is data going to be used for? And how is it going to connect with other systems?” before you buy.
  • Topic #2 The Three D’s: Building the Framework Before you Buy [16:18] “The idea behind it,” Brian says, “is to take these three elements and build a plan around them.”  The three D’s are: deconstruct, decompose, and design. Deconstruct is the buyer’s journey, decompose is identifying the things you do to drive someone through the buyer’s journey, and design is how everything works and is connected how it should be, he explains. 
  • Topic #3 Finding the Right MarTech Fit: Avoiding Pitfalls [23:47] Brian recommends keeping a couple of things in mind when considering possible pitfalls when considering what tech to adopt.  Be mindful that a vendor isn’t creating a need for you, he advises, and “don't get caught up in the timeframe. Make sure you figure out what's actually real for your instance… be realistic about how long [implementation] actually takes.”

So, What's the One Thing You Can Do Today?

Brian’s ‘One Thing’ is to check out the article in Harvard Business Review he cowrote: “Don’t Buy the Wrong Marketing Tech."  “Review that,” Brian recommends, “and if you like it, and it makes sense, just start leveraging it.  It’s a simple framework and we’ve gotten a lot of good feedback from it.”       

Buzzword Banishment:

Brian’s Buzzword to Banish is a phrase: ‘MarTech drives growth’. “I think a lot of people get hung up on the shiny new objects,” Brian explains, “when the reality to it is there's so much more complexity in an enterprise organization to be able to see improvements like that in your business.”


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About the Author

Brandi Starr

Brandi Starr is a marketing powerhouse with over 20 years of experience shaking up B2B and B2B2C companies. As COO at Tegrita, a consultancy that unlocks the power of email, she's all about transforming processes, enhancing go-to-market strategies, and ensuring smooth customer experiences. Named one of the Top 50 Women in MarTech, Brandi blends strategic vision with operational savvy. She's also the co-author of "CMO to CRO" and the host of the Revenue Rehab podcast, known for turning ideas into action and inspiring others in the marketing world.

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