We are Tegrita: Outward Changes with Inward Impact – The Evolution of the Tegrita Brand

October 2, 2019 Brandi Starr

When I started with Tegrita almost 5 years ago, we were a completely different company. We were “Eloqua Consultants”. Much like the Volkswagen mechanic who builds his business around servicing Volkswagens, we were experts in just one thing… Eloqua.

A “brand purpose defines a company’s reason for being, beyond making a profit,” according to Forbes. When I joined the Tegrita team, our brand purpose was to help Oracle Eloqua customers to maximize the value of the technology. We never set out to change that. We instead listened to our clients and let our client’s needs be the key driver of growth and expansion within the business. As a result, we have evolved slowly (and in many cases silently).

Today is the soft launch of our brand refresh, and I’m excited to share with you the changes that we’ve made, and the lessons that you can take away from the evolution of the Tegrita brand.

Outward Changes with Inward Impact

Releasing a new logo, changing brand colors and imagery, and updating the company website are some of the key tasks that are a part of a brand refresh. However, these outward changes are the last steps in the evolution of a brand. Long before business leaders begin discussing new brand imagery, the brand purpose begins to shift. And with the shifting of that purpose comes a shifting in the way the organization thinks and behaves. This overarching change is what I call inward impact.

Outward Changes

Every person that encounters a company’s brand is exposed to the outward changes that come along with a brand refresh. This includes social media followers, prospects, customers, employees, partners, etc. As a part of the Tegrita brand refresh, we are focusing on these four outward changes:

  1. New Logo
  2. Modified Name
  3. Concentrated Social Strategy
  4. Increased Content Production

New Logo + Modified Name

Tegrita (pronounced ‘tĕ grĭ tä) comes from the Latin word integritas, which means “integrity”. The name Tegrita represented that integrity as we applied it to the consulting field as a group of independent consultants. As our business has evolved, we still place that integrity at the center of what we do; however, there is so much more that we represent to our clients and the industry than just being a group of consultants. So, with a new logo we also have had a slight name change. We are Tegrita! Below is an explanation of the meaning behind our new logo.

Tegrita Logo Explained

Concentrated Social Strategy

When we initially created our social profiles, we published the same content across all Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. We didn’t have a specific strategy for any channel and consequently, they were largely ineffective. Over the past year, we have shifted to a more concentrated strategy.

  • LinkedIn: This platform is our focus for connecting with our target audience and contributing our knowledge to the MarTech and RevTech communities. Tegrita as a brand has a presence along with the various consultants on our team.
  • Facebook: We opted to remove this from our strategy. We’ve found that although our audience is on Facebook, they aren’t using it much for business-related information.
  • Instagram: Although many of our clients like to stay connected with what’s going on with our team, our primary purpose for Instagram is recruiting. We have a very unique team and working environment, so fit within the organization is key. So, our Instagram is a way to highlight the faces behind the brand and the personality of our team.
  • Twitter: We share our content on twitter also, however our twitter strategy is to connect with others in the industry and to stay aligned to our strategic partners.

The lesson in our evolution is that all social platforms aren’t for all companies and sharing the same content across all is ineffective. Tegrita’s social efforts are now focused on 3 key platforms: Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Increased Content Production

Compared to three years ago when we published one blog every month, we have significantly ramped up content production. Content is at the core of all marketing efforts. Your customers and prospects research what is important to them. If you haven’t written (or spoken) on the topic yet, your competitors likely have. Both quality and quantity matter.

Our team has expertise across a variety of topics – some which might even surprise you! And contribution to the MarTech/RevTech community is a vital component of our brand. To help share our experience and knowledge with a wider audience, Tegrita will focus more effort on producing a higher volume of unique, compelling and informative content. From informative blogs to strategic videos to knowledge expanding webinars & user groups, we’ll share more content with you than ever before!

If you haven’t seen it, all of our content is centralized in our learning hub: activate.tegrita.com.

Inward Impact

A company’s customers, partners, and employees primarily enjoy the inward impact of a brand refresh. Below are Tegrita’s six inward impacts:

  • Focus on the Faces Behind the Brand
  • Targeted Recruiting
  • Continued Prioritization of Culture
  • Expanded Service Offering within our Niche
  • Tailored Customer Experiences
  • Strategic Partnerships

Focus on the Faces Behind the Brand

At one point in Tegrita’s history, the brand was represented by a single face, when that person decided to take their career in a different direction, it raised questions about the stability of the company and whether Tegrita would continue to flourish. Although it was a single person who represented the brand, our team was and still is the secret behind our success.

Many of the partners in our industry do quality work; however, customers love to work with us, and technology partners seek us out because of our team (and our approach). We want to put more focus on the superstars that make Tegrita what it is. Our clients benefit from getting to know the individuals on our team, always having access to the breadth of knowledge across our entire team, and consistent idea sharing. You (our readers and friends) will see more focus on sharing our stories and experiences because people connecting with people makes a better experience for everyone.

Targeted Recruiting and Continued Prioritization of Culture

Our old tagline states “Our approach to marketing automation is different” but honestly, our approach to EVERYTHING is different. Our recruiting process is also different, we focus first on culture fit and take multiple steps to ensure fit within our organization. We pride ourselves on having a caring, inclusive corporate culture that loves to have fun. As we grow, we will strive to maintain the supportive, collaborative attitude we’ve worked hard to develop. New additions to Tegrita will quickly see the value of a smile, because life is too short to not have fun!

Expanded Service Offering within our Niche

What started as an Eloqua consulting firm has grown by leaps and bounds. Over the years, we have added deep knowledge and experience in marketing strategy, revtech (martech + salestech) and a wide variety of complementary products and tools. Look for this trend to continue and become a primary focus, as we grow with our clients. We will let our client’s needs be the key driver of growth and expansion.

Tailored Customer Experiences

Just as no two people are the same, it is also true that no two relationships are the same. We are experts at tailoring our work to what our clients need. We will bring our passion, experience and loyalty to every interaction, to ensure everybody wins. Our various account frameworks allow clients to determine the ideal role we will play in their business and set clear expectations for service levels and resources.

Strategic Partnerships

As we are introduced to brands with similar ideals and passions, there are often opportunities to work together to help our shared clients even more. Look for Tegrita to roll out several new partnerships, which will come with the full support of the Tegrita team. We will not just be partners – we will be knowledgeable users, able to help guide our clients to the right technology.

As a brand, we’ve always believed in growth on our own terms. We value people over profits. We espouse the values of integrity and loyalty. And we approach everything in our business different than most organizations. We look forward to growing even more and look forward to sharing that growth with you.


About the Author

Brandi Starr

Brandi Starr is a marketing powerhouse with over 20 years of experience shaking up B2B and B2B2C companies. As COO at Tegrita, a consultancy that unlocks the power of email, she's all about transforming processes, enhancing go-to-market strategies, and ensuring smooth customer experiences. Named one of the Top 50 Women in MarTech, Brandi blends strategic vision with operational savvy. She's also the co-author of "CMO to CRO" and the host of the Revenue Rehab podcast, known for turning ideas into action and inspiring others in the marketing world.

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